Thursday, December 29, 2011

Shed Some Light

So we are waiting for electricity and then the garage can be used. Global warming has kept us from having to scrape windshields and for that we are thankful. Yesterday, Peg put the garage door up for the first time and if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she never would have believed it. It was literally silent. Peg can't wait to have the recycling outside. Woody has already put a tractor, power washer and a go-cart in it. Peg has asked the electrician to put a strip of lights down the center so Woody stays away from her side.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

If You Build It.....

It's been awhile but we are back. Our new garage is going up, slowly and now a little inclement weather is involved. Hopefully we will beat the snow and not have to scrape our windows this winter. I hope I haven't spoken too soon.
The bathroom cabinets are here, I have everything I need to tile the floor and we have watched every possible you tube video on tiling known to man. Now I just need to get Woody to breath and let me do it.
I'll let you know how it goes.